1·System use cases often refer to major user interface (UI) elements, often called boundary or user interface items, such as HTML pages and reports.
2·The idea here is to identify the chatty interfaces and move them all to one side of the managed/native boundary, thereby eliminating all transitions across the chatty interface.
3·True instructs the runtime not to suspend an activity session (if present) at the interface boundary.
4·True instructs the runtime not to suspend a global transaction (if present) at the interface boundary.
True 指示运行时不要在接口边界挂起全局事务(如果存在)。
5·The Model-View-Controller pattern taught us to effectively partition our code along a well-defined boundary between the user interface and model.
模型-视图-控制器(Model - View - Controller)模式指导我们有效地分割代码,在用户接口和模型之间定义一个良好的边界。
6·False (default) instructs the runtime to suspend a global transaction (if present) at the interface boundary.
7·False (default) instructs the runtime to suspend an activity session (if present) at the interface boundary.
8·Through derivation the present thesis proves numerical value flux conservation of sub-domains interface boundary can make parallel numerical schemes conservative.
9·This text makes the flux of numerical value of interface boundary among sub-domains reach the conservation with a kind of simpler method.
10·Finally we defined roles to describe the boundary of the DAS, and it belongs to user interface tier.